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Before donating you must know where your money will be going. Following are the objectives and activities for which I need finances;

- From universities and from home I have been working for last 15 years in reading both religious and scientific texts. Through deep thinking, observation and spiritual experiments I have now come out with clear understanding of truth and reality regarding our life on this planet and the existence of God.

- To spread this understanding and truth I have been able to use my talents of writing books  and poetry.

- Firstly I need a office and good talented people who can collaborate in my on-going researches under my direct guidance and mentorship. Such as; people and equipment to record quality videos, web designers, video making software experts, language translators, accountants etc. As currently I am doing all this work on my own and it has now become impossible for me to work on various current and future projects simultaneously. The only hurdle in getting an office space and hiring people is lack of finances.

- Secondly I need to hire young believers who can physically visit remote areas where there is no internet and TV. After training, these believers will deliver lectures on God's true message & divine love to highly uneducated people living in villages. Until we don't do all this we won't see a positive revolutionary change in the world.

- Finally large finances are required to publish many copies of books and other material written by me as the knowledge in these books is the fruit of my 15 years of study & research. But I am unable to share it with the world due to lack of money required for printing & publishing.

So please become part of all this effort and remove the financial hurdles from the path of God. Kindly donate any amount according to your financial status through online banking transfer; 

You can transfer money through online banking on following account details;


Account title: Saad Ahmed Kayani

Bank name: Halifax

Account number: 13521469

Swift/Sort Code: 11-05-02

Country: United kingdom

On above bank details you can make an online transfer by logging into your online banking site. You can transfer in any currency in this account and we'll automatically receive it in local currency.


If you want, for my information purpose you can email your name and donation amount sent at ;

Thank you, may God give you high reward for being part of this effort.  

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